Serve my world.

Our mission field is bigger than Hays County. God has called us to bring the Gospel to the world, and we're devoted to reaching people for Jesus. How do we impact the world? We're building long-term relationships in Ethiopia, Spain, Peru, Mexico, and Honduras.


Children’s Hope Chest (CHC) - Ethiopia

CHC Care Points create a safe place where the community’s most vulnerable children can receive critical resources -spiritually, physically and emotionally. Vertical Chapel is working to develop relationships with Partner Leadership teams in the area. More information to come soon.


East West Ministries - Western Mediterranean

Vertical partners, P&J Bell, are working in the Western Mediterranean to help engage, evangelize, and empower local believers in the region to go and transform their communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. P&J, along with their regional teams, are praying for God to shift this geographically strategic region from "receiving" to "sending" laborers back into His harvest field of unreached people in North Africa and Europe.