Brand Guide.
To help people know God, grow in relationship with God, and exalt God.
We want all people to know God, experience freedom, and discover purpose so they can live on mission.
Heart over Hands. Our desire is for the attitude of our hearts to be more important than the work we do with our hands.
Brand mission.
2 Corinthians 6:6a MSG: with pure heart, clear head, steady hand…
We want to do the best we can with everything we do. We do not seek perfection, but instead to have fun and bring a choice offering to the Lord.
We want to infuse purpose into everything we do. We do not pursue beauty for beauty’s sake but aim to glorify God joyfully.
We want to leave space for the Lord to work and the Spirit to move. We do not wnt to distract or draw the focus away from the gospel of Christ.
To realize these values, we ask: Is this necessary? Does this point to Christ? Will this help communicate the Gospel? Does this encourage a next step? Will this spark engagement?
Our Brand MIssion: Spotlight Jesus
Overall, we are stewards, entrusted with creating an atmosphere that encourages anyone from first-time visitors to Vertical partners to open their hearts wide. We want to foster an attitude of joyful surrender that acts as a catalyst for people to know God, experience freedom, and discover purpose so they can live on mission.
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